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This game is very enjoyable. The art is especially good, I love the vines dangling from the roof. The music is relaxing and the sound is ok as well. The game is extremely well polished, I found no bugs at all.

The gameplay while fun feels a little repetitive, this may be because the game is a bit too easy. You can charge basically any enemy (even the final boss) and just spam the left mouse button and kill it without taking any damage in the end. It probably would've been better to have a small cooldown on the shout attack, or just more and tougher enemies.

Good luck in the game jam!


Actually the repetitive gameplay is a known issue from the beginning of the brain storming Stag of the jam the problem for me was the time the tree days was not enough especially with my job it was impossible to add more mechanics to break the repetitive gameplay so I am sorry for it 😅