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I managed to find them all, but I had one or two where I simply brute-forced the last rune. I found Poseidon most tricky of all.

I think it would be helpful if you would allow a tooltip to show the meaning of the rune on mouse-over. I don't think it would take away from the decyphering, but (especially in a short game) it's not realistic to start memorizing what each rune means. While going back and forth between UIs did give me a little bit more of a research vibe (which you might have been going for?), but it mostly distracted from the puzzle. I think having the tooltip mouse-over when inputting runes, but not when reading the tablets might be a fair mix.

Also it would be nice if you could forward the text in the intro (make it appear at once when pressing e.g. E).

Congratulations! Thanks for playing the game until the end!

Indeed my team was trying to do the tooltips and the fast-forwarded text but the deadline was approaching so we gave up on those things to prioritize other parts >_< I hope it won't affect affect the overall game experience too much.

We all have to cut corners, and these were understandable corners to cut :) and was also partially curious if it was a design decision