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The prologue at the start is really cool and has some very funny dialogue. I also like the unique art style. The colorful clock animation in particular is very cool. The controls also feel nice to handle, jumping and running feels really smooth.

Gameplay wise, it reminds me a little too much of those rage games like I Wanna Be The Guy. Near the edge of the level, there are platforms that I phase through that look exactly like solid platforms and I have no way of differentiating between the two. There was also that jumpscare monster that was REALLY loud, I would tone down the volume of that. Checkpoints would have really helped, it was getting repetitive restarting all the way at the beginning just because I fell through a fake platform or touched a crystal. I would also make the crystals one color that's very easy to see, like bright red, because it can be hard telling where they are at times.

Good job on the game overall. I couldn't beat it, but I enjoyed playing it regardless.

Wow thanks for the helpful feedback and for playing. I have started improving the game keeping all the feedback in mind. Also thanks for the tips. I wanted the game to be really hard but I'll add difficulty levels to let player understand the game. 

game has been updated and have received bug fixes.