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Lol... You got further with RPG Maker MV than I ever did. Pretty dark start to a game. The graphics... well... to be honest, I initially thought there was something wrong with the game. They look like garbled messes, to be honest. I know the effect was supposed to be the character was in the dark, but still.

That said... this opening looks like the start of what could be an interesting RPG.

Haha, yeah. I liked the restrictions initially, but the engine is so hard bent toward standard JRPG's (who'da thunk :B) I think I'll leave it for now. I think I'll look into Godot next, since the python-like GDScript sounds appealing, but we'll see.

As for the graphics, yeah, it was going to be a Earthbound/OFF/Lisa kinda RPG;  obviously I didn't get too far with that though.