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Reached "Far Reaches", waiting for new orders :D Very cool and relaxing game, super simple to control! Please continue developing, may be add more missions, destinations , may be multiplayer...


If I was to extend it, I would create more locations and use some sort of procgen to create missions (at least after the 'training' mission).

But not sure how I would extend the play beyond being a series of 'fetch quests'... which I added to make some game play... I started out with just a flight simulator... and then said to myself... maybe I should add some gameplay. .. <shrug>
multiplayer definitely could be done..

but from a practical side of things, I do gam jams as a hobby... so I am not sure how much more time I want to put into this.  Feel free to follow my account or the game, so if I do work more on it, you can get notified.


To you request, game has been updated with more missions, multiple days, wind zones and an additional destination.  And if you pay attention, there is a small story told about the area via the missions.

perfect. I will give it a try.