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Deleted 3 years ago

"PCs will eventually die and phones will take their place"

This is not the least bit true. Sure casual gamers are moving more and more to phones, but that's fine. The fact remains that no matter how fast or capable phones become, they will never be able to replace PCs, as a gaming platform or as a workstation. You just can't do any serious work (or do any serious gaming) on such a tiny screen with such a limited set of controls, and the size and controls of phones won't increase because that would make them unreasonably large.

So PCs aren't going anywhere. Sure the numbers of PC gamers will decrease, but those were just casual gamers anyway. The games they want to play are better suited to phones. Worst case, we eventually drop some day to only like 20% of people owning PCs, but that's actually more people than owned PCs in the late 80's, and PC games were still being made and sold and doing quite well in the 80's. PCs are not going away any time in our lifetime. And they are certainly never going away before something better than a phone comes along to replace them.

(1 edit)

First, the phones & tablets have already taken as for number, and second, the purpose of the above article isn’t to promote but to inform the community for that they don’t return or warn not to download the Windows/Mac software on Android/iOS devices (because this PC software doesn’t available in this devices) and it isn’t an exclusive problem of hacking, but mainly due to the lack of computing knowledge. 

If the PC die literally, it has several consequences, such as that the software development and update would disappear, because there would be no new apps to publish in the stores and the existing ones would remain, and the new professional films would be of poor quality by the video editors for mobile with limited special effects.