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i know this thread is to report bugs but i didn't really have any problem with the game other than the fact that's not finished. :( Don't mean to cause any offence it's just that i'm so addicted to this game that i cannot wait for the next update. just wondering how the progress is going. i fully support and appreciate the game. i just think that it is so unique the way that you have the whole clothes making thing integrated into the story. Can't wait to see the rest of Neil's as well as the next route update. Though i am rather impatient take your time, (quality over quantity always ;)), I hope everything is well and i also hope you know how much i appreciate this game. 


A fan 

Haha you can just post in the feedback thread :P

There's been a considerable amount of progress! Unfortunately, nothing's been made public, only my closed beta testers can play what I have available right now. The public version has Dimitri's route up until chapter 7, but the closed beta has up until chapter 18, so there's quite a bit of content!

If you want to stay up to date and fangirl with other fans,join the Discord, I like to post spoilers lol.