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Great game, very fun! The HUD is impeccable, very nice presentation, nice use of colors and sound effects. Also, I died a lot, still trying to figure out a flow to reach higher!

Suggestion: sometimes (a lot of times) I ended up being trhown to the lateral, going to certain death. It would be nice to have some mechanism (maybe an item?) that would allow the players to redeem their misplays, throwing them back to the middle of the screen. I don't know if it would defeat the general purpose of the design. Anyway, brilliant game, good job!


Thanks for playing! And thanks for the suggestion! One thing I found making Jam games is to keep the scope small! So when I had the main game loop working as I liked and had the turn-around time so short that restarting after death was almost instant, I just went straight to the polish! However, there are a few things that I would like to add in a future version, like moving particles, boosters and other things, and I'll definitely be testing your suggestion as I think that having some kind of "save yourself!" powerup or single use item is an excellent idea. :)