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Looks very good, but the gameplay needs improvement. Also please lock the cursor inside the game window. 

I totally agree. 

I completely forgot about the cursor and will be uploading a patch to fix it hopefully tomorrow.

The gameplay definitely needs improvement and if you have any advice on how to improve it, or criticism I’d be more than happy to receive it!

Thanks for playing!

Well, it depends. Firstly, I would suggest you fix the movement and camera look, get rid of the energy thingy because it just gets in the way. Next improve the shooting mechanic. The bow is quite inaccurate at the moment, maybe you can find a better solution. Lastly, take a look at enemy AI.

I have updated the game to improve aiming and movement. I also have hidden and locked the cursor.  

Hope you enjoy!


alrighty! I’ll look Into fixing as much as I can within the parameters of my original entry.