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My arm is physically hot lol. My years of Mario Party button mashing experience have paid off! I cleared out all 10 Hives. But man, those little critters can take a beating. I think having a press and hold fire system would have been nice, even if it was slower then spamming [TAB]. Just to have that option ya know? Overall, fun little metroid like game. I liked unlocking the different items. Was a bit sad that there wasn't more to unlock. :P

Great entry Wolf. ^^


Thanks D4yz ! Especially since you played it till the end

Haha well i didn't expect the button mash to be that much of a workout, although some mario party mashing skills sure must have helped, even if i hope no one sacrifices as many controllers as mario party claimed over the years XD 

But i took note and i think i'll patch in some auto fire.

Yeah the enemies are completely glitched here so not much i can do untill i patch this up, but nice to see you liked the upgrades, if i had more time i would have definitively added more upgrades to have more variety, but jams are jams with limited time, and there was only so much metroid vania stuff i could do :p


Yea the Jam window is certainly tight, and you're a solo dev as far as I can tell eh? So yea, really nicely done there. 

You game prompted me to find a button mashing counter online and try to compete with other members in the GWJ Discord hahah, I tried to find you by your handle, but no luck. :P Also, 100% agree regarding the controller fatalities to Mario Party hahahah, may they rest in peace.

Anyways, was awesome to check out your entry! Pop in the Discord if ever you're feeling like teaming up or just chatting with the community! Unless you're already there? The world may never know. :P


They certainly are ! 

Haha well careful about any button mashing cramps out there with such a contest XD