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Some nice ideas but a bit confusing. I can teleport anywhere anytime? I ended up mostly just teleporting to grab stuff and not walking at all. Took me some time to figure out why sometimes I could dash and others I can't.

There's a bug where sometimes a gem doesn't disappear when collecting it and it starts collecting it forever on a loop!

On second part, the background moves with the player even though the screen is fixed, which makes it look quite weird!

There is a tutorial but I don't think I explained the mechanics of the teleport well enough. You are sort of meant to rely on the teleport mostly and only walk to get in range of neon lights, but I should have designed the levels better to incorporate that.

The gems were a last minute implementation which is why they don't work that well.

Tbh I'm not really sure what i was thinking when it comes to how the background moves. It is tied to player movement because I wanted it to have a 3D-esque perspective kinda thing, but it didn't look that good and I didn't change it for some reason.

Tie the background to the camera's movement instead of the player's.