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Nice! I will try and tone down the graphics. And it could be an exception error somewhere. Had one happening with mine and it was due to saving. 

That makes sense with the proximity vs velocity. Maybe going a keyboard key for pickups might be more intuitive? Like x for strip and z for plug or something? Either way good work! :D

Overall not much more to add besides more features IMO. Maybe integrating light switches somehow? Still, a great little puzzle game!


You had an error relating to saving? My game doesn't save at all so I'm not sure it would be that but thanks for the pointer.

I agree keyboard would have been good too, I really wanted to support both mouse and keyboard for interaction but I ran out of time! 

How would light switches work? Wouldn't you always want them on anyway?

Yeah, idk why but it would mess up when trying to load or save. And maybe some kind of syncing thing, like turning one on turns the other off or something. It was more of a spitball idea trying to think of light related puzzle elements. Haha

(1 edit)

I see! I didn't mean to shoot you down or anything, I was just curious as to how you saw it! Thanks for the suggestion! I agree there is potential for more electronics related puzzle elements.