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So there's 16 Endings now? xD Been playing the older version for so long, now there's just so many weird things in this new version, so confused. Gonna have to upload my newest video and have to wonder, which ones were regular endings and if I found the two 'Final endings' or not.....

If you escape you will know when it happens, everything changes.

Vague but, avoiding spoilers are good. Does it relate to Picking up a Knife by any chance?

Yes. There are two ways the knife can be found, after picking it up there are two different possible outcomes afterwards.

You seen my latest videos? :P Maybe you can help me out with any clarification, if then I had found both of the two endings and beyond that. Cause at this rate I'm just missing 1 random ending.

You found both final endings yes, although what you think triggers it does not actually trigger it.

Yea, I sorta found out a bit after that its not the toilet per se, but I presumed so due to coincidental circumstances.