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I would block off some of the areas at the beginning it was a bit awkward figuring out where to go in that beginning snow area. And there were some parts where the triggers for the camera changes were a little bit awkward especially when there are enemies around.  The mouse controls worked really well it took me a bit to get used to it but after I did I was fine, I really enjoyed playing this, the level design was nice and it was great to play a traditional tank controls horror game and the item placement was done well, nice job man.

I didn't get a chance to finish it since I fell out of world in a section, I'll add the screenshot.


Thanks so much for playing. I see you found the hidden feature XD. 

Thanks for pointing this out though. I’ll get it fixed. I appreciate you pointing it out. Do you have a video of your playthrough at all?

I'm sorry man I do not, I'm on lunch break at work here now, I can try and blast through later when im done. and shoot you a video. 

Thats it my friend its a bug not a feature, its all good I forgot to tell people they could reload in my submission.


haha yeah I know. I make a joke about bugs being features is all :)