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When I open UE4.18, it gives me a blank white tab.

What? Show me a picture. Cause that makes no sense.

The load takes a while... :/

To get to the white screen thing, whatever it is...

Holup it crashed...

I'm taking pictures it's juat that it won't let me take a picture of the thing...

Do you have a decent computer? What windows are you using? Cause it might not be working correctly due to either having an older version of windows or having a below average pc might not be powerful enough to run UE4. I used to use a laptop back then and UE4 barely functioned on it.

Windows 10. Does hz matter? Cuz I use 40hz.

I swear I also posted a reply saying that sometimes it won't be white, sometimes it won't show anything at all.

(1 edit)

Nah, hz don't matter. It's just if your PC specs are low-end or if you had an older version of windows like Windows XP, then it wouldn't work properly.

What are specs?

Like your computer's graphics card, CPU, etc...

I dunno what a graphics card is either.