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Do you have a decent computer? What windows are you using? Cause it might not be working correctly due to either having an older version of windows or having a below average pc might not be powerful enough to run UE4. I used to use a laptop back then and UE4 barely functioned on it.

Windows 10. Does hz matter? Cuz I use 40hz.

I swear I also posted a reply saying that sometimes it won't be white, sometimes it won't show anything at all.

(1 edit)

Nah, hz don't matter. It's just if your PC specs are low-end or if you had an older version of windows like Windows XP, then it wouldn't work properly.

What are specs?

Like your computer's graphics card, CPU, etc...

I dunno what a graphics card is either.

Oh, well then at least tell me, when you play games does it play choppy or is it smooth, not just 2D games but nice looking 3D games aswell.

GD plays well. Minecraft plays good too, just laggy at first.