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(1 edit) (+1)

I really like the esthetic ! and the story it's cool :-) 
It would have been cool that dancing would kill the Police units.
Then placement and the ability to move  would make sense  then.

Also it was a bit hard to look at the actual game because the eyes are always on the time bar.
It's crazy tho that you did that in 48h

(2 edits)

hi satolas
thx for playing our entry! :)
well you could kill them, but the collision detection is just sooooo bad that I really understand it felt like its not possible. :|
srry for that, next time that will be my number one priority! ;)

I really agree with you (a lot of people saying that ;)), next time I think I will give them attacks on the sequencer all there own differnt color outline to make that easier.
and maybe also 2 attacks instead of 4.

haha thx, although I diddn't do it all on my own this. ( did it together with a friend of mine: Vlogergames )
thank you so much for playing! :D