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Looks neat! I've never worked in GameMaker before, but how do you increase and decrease the speed? It seems like you may be changing the frame rate? It stutters a lot on certain speeds, not really sure what's going on there. Also, I found a reproducible bug where you can't restart if you jump, press R while you're in the air and then land on your head. And to quit the game I have to press alt + f4. 

But yeah, the game does look cool and I think you could make this into something cool. What if you can also vary the turning speed by for example holding the jump button? Good luck next game jam! :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for the response! As far as the frame rate, I know it looks as though he has shadow frames due to the low resolution... If not that, thats a problem that I didn't know about.. I am aware of the restart and quitting bug, but couldn't fix it because I ran out of time with the jam! (Actually I had to get to work on a school project :P) I actually really like the idea of changing varying the turn speed, if I ever bring this concept back, I may use that!