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 Hey MrPete, did you try giving executable permissions to the binary ( the zeitmeister-linux.x86_64 file )?

No.  Because it is recieved as a RAR file....

I think you need to distinguished between the versions....

Hm, just tested here, worked fine. Here are the steps:

  1. Download the .rar for Linux;
  2. Extract the .rar. You'll have two files: zeitmeister-linux.pck and zeitmeister-linux.x86_64;
  3. Give executable permissions to the second file;
  4. Run it.

Could you please try again?

Will do. But the original rar file has no files included????

 I'm sorry, but that can't be: I downloaded the original Linux rar and it worked fine.

I'll check it again on your behalf. :)