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Entry #1

I haven't made a ton of progress yet, but I have started to make the sprites and tilesets. I'll finish them tomorrow morning.

I made a sprite of Rose, as seen here

 photo 926efbdb-07c4-44f2-bf55-7be91c29ab77_zpsjvjc603b.png

But turns out it was too small! I'll have to outline a base next time.

I know I'm capable of creating better art and more detailed tilesets, but I really want to be able to finish this game. So, I'm keeping it minimalistic.

 photo screenshot_zpscdyszlse.png

I'm doing the sprites in sai and the tiles in paint. I'm gonna touch them up a bit tonight.

Wow, this really is tedious.

I used VX Ace for the last jam so if you run into any issues I might be able to shoot some scripts and answers your way! A good thing to do with sprites is take a sprite sheet from the base resources in VX Ace and make your sprites over them.