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I mean currently you can fluidly walk between the grid tiles and stop anywhere you like. What I prefer (and it's mostly personal preference) is that one press in a direction will move you all the way to the next tile.

An alternative I'd also be cool with would be to just make it possible to walk diagonally or walk over the corners :).

And yea, I figured out that's the reason for the first levels being simple, but being a kind of a hardcore gamer myself I usually like to skip the fluff and go right away into the action.

(2 edits)

Oh i get it! 

Actually you can only walk 1/4th a tile at the time, not a totally free movement, because the system let you turn/change direction even if you're 1/4th tile away from the center, give you the illusion of freedom, but still very controlled for easy moves.

I know what you feel about hardcore level from level 1 to end dude!

May i ask, did you beat the 16 level?


No, I kind of gave up on level 4, but if you're saying it gets harder later I'll give it another go before voting ends!


You have to understand that when you Jump, you're invincible to EVERY creeps, and can bump on heads (and kill) creeps of the same color than you. Make life a lot more easier!