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Very nice bg music, kinda nostalgic - reminds me fantasy games from 90s...
Too bad that 2nd and 3rd track are missing...


Sorry for the two other tracks missing. I've made a mistake while uploading on and Soundcloud : I've focused on the first file as if there was only one, forgetting there was three, doing like for Dyzantheria. And when I've gone back to Itch two day after, I realised the problem but it was too late to change my mistake. So, it's my fault, no problem I assume everything. I just have changed the text on Itch and Soundcloud about the three tracks, but I coul't change the description written for the Jam ... The two other files (Main Menu & Fight) are here, on my desktop ^^"


So... you can upload them after voting period of Jam, right?

I can upload them now, in a separated file, on my own cloud. But don't use them to make your opinion of the OST for this Jam. I forgot them, my fault, so they really don't have to be considered.
If you listen carrefully, you will can hear some same melodies use here differently, as most are leitmotiv/structural elements for characters and quests.
-> Missing Files <-

Thank you, I was just curious and wanna listen ^_^ (and don't worry, I will not change ratings ~_^). But overall... these two sound like fine bgm, good work.