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(1 edit) (+2)

Cooldown system seems a little unbalanced to me. Player can hit once per second and human enemies can hit 5-6 times per second. 

Good dialogue and battle system you built in this short amount of time. I would love to see this game further developed.

Good job!

The animation happens faster but the enemies still damage once a second (aside from bats). I think they are 2. I had issues with their animation triggering more than how often they damage. Thanks for the feedback :D.


Yeah, that creates the illusion of enemies as OP. No problem at all.

King's Curse gives me a "Souls" game 2D  feeling.  Thats cool :)


Aww. That warms my heart some. You should have seen my list of things I wanted in there that I just furiously cut along the way. If I had a day, I wanted to get some power ups for health, damage, and crit chance so you felt like you improved, and rewarded for exploring, floating numbers to give more feedback on how much damage was done, etc.  I learned a TON with this project that I plan to carry forward. I love the feedback from everyone :D.