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This game looks really nice. That player animation feels great and twitchy (in a great way) and matches the wackiness of the music. However, the combat just doesn't feel good. The dash feels a little useless since it pushes enemies with you if you try to dash past and don't line it up correctly. The music speeding up with health was a cool idea, but the music was too short and stressed me out too much. Great job making this in two weeks! There are a lot of cool ideas and clean implementations. Just needs a bit more polish! 


Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I didn't even intend that with the dash. I played it with using the dash to get out of the way fast before the enemy swung. Awesome feedback :D. Thanks. I'll keep that in mind on the next project.


Ah! There's the problem. I'm a "dash around obstacles" instead of a "dash away from obstacles" kind of player. I let the soulslike part of my brain assume dashes are an offensive tool lol. 


I don't see it as a problem. Just wish I had someone with that mentality able to playtest to tweak the combat more like that. I think it's awesome feedback. So thank you overall :D.