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Cool idea! Sounds would be nice (other than trees rustling). Needs polish.

Thanks for playing and commenting! Could you elaborate on which aspects would need more polish?

  • Since the visual part is the key component of your game, I would posh the quality of the shadows a bit more. Now, when you start the game the player gets a view with quite some visual artifacts. Using trees with thin branches and a few leaves don't make that easy, I know :)
  • Add anti aliasing.
  • There's only one quality setting, I would add a few more (certainly for those people that want anti aliasing.
  • Polish your startup experience, check Gravity Rush (another entry to this jam), he/she did that very well.
  • Foot step noises
  • Feedback on picking up a sphere is a simple text counter "1/14" flashing briefly on the screen, you could improve that experience, with a feel that fits the mood of the game - with sound.
  • Music

Are a few things you could do off the top of my head.

Thanks a lot for the suggestions!