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The transition from race to battle to race is unusual, but battles end fast enough and you get a lot of i-frames after, so it kinda works. I began avoiding all oponents and went to the boss at level 1 (bad idea), then I appreciated the combat a bit more.

The game is at its best when you're in the middle of the pack, thinking both about how you're driving and where your oponents are. Were the AI to be a bit smarter, it would hit the spot!


The AI for the racers was definitely one of the hardest things to do haha, I stoped tweaking it when I saw it was goofy and funny (because time was running out lol).

Thanks for playing it! 


Yeah, time was tight! Didn't have time to polish the physics in Roboballer, and saw some friends/players struggle with it as well...
I think doing a short and easy game is best though, at least the jam player doesn't leave dissapointed/upset.