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Both a Mac and Linux version will be released in a few days, after we've squashed some initial bugs in the Windows version. Stay tuned!

Came to the comments for the same request :)

Glad to hear a Mac version is coming, looks like a lot of fun for me and the kids

Added OSX and Linux versions, these are untested however so might not function properly!

Works on MacOS High Sierra, just tested it! Funny game :)

I've just tested the Linux version. Quite a fun game! The only issue I ran into was that it kind of locked me out of my system when I pressed the Fullscreen toggle. I had to switch to another virtual terminal and force-kill the game to recover.


Did the ESC key not work?

I had tried to press a lot of keys, but both keyboard and mouse clicks seem blocked. I just tried ESC and it does nothing. Also the rendering stops. But Ctrl+Alt+2 still works so you can login and "pkill -9 KeyCars.x86". I'm using Xfce.

Thanks! Works great with a few minutes of testing. Though are we supposed to get points when hitting the yellow speed boost block? Racked up a few just running in circles over that button :)

Yep! Don't worry, when playing multiplayer someone is bound to stop you from doing that - hah.