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Interesting game, I feel like it could turn into someone really cool. The movement felt a little forced for me, but I did like how you could upgrade that (oddly it didn't feel like I kept my upgrade when I went to another planet)

I would try and work on tiles for the desert level too as they tend to blur as you run, maybe make the tiles larger and spread the pattern out a little bit or just less intricate patterns maybe.

Great start just needs more polish and a gun please, I really wanted to shoot something lol.


Huh thought the upgrades worked, guess not lol.

Good idea on the desert!

Originally i wanted a lot more stuff in the game (like weapons, more types of planets, more types of creatures, space fights and so on) but you know itsa game jam so i ran out of time :P

Thank you for playing!


Lol I know that feeling too.