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I agree with everything you said, i had plans for a Undo system and the platforms was going to be able to effect each other more like they are all on one big sheet (even unnecessary parts of the level fall apart when they are not connected  to anything + not having any unlit buttons on them). also had on my notes (and small parts in the code) for more than one cat that you could tap on and control that interact with different tiles and had tiles that would switch color when you jump on them toggling between the cats colors but due to the fact i more or less missed most of the first day i wasn't able to add anywhere near what i wanted to add. also was going to have some story stuff every 8-12 levels with you interacting with the AI and stuff, but again just not enough time. keep in mind that I'm just one gal~ :P

some parts of the game such as a good amount of levels and level loading code i was caring more about quantity than quality so levels could be a lot better, going to work on an after jam version that fixed a lot of these problems (as well as other things that bug me but nobody brought up yet aka ).

Anyways thanks for doing a good list of things to work on, its a big help. <3

Yes, my comment was a rating criterion for a fully paid game. Considering it was made in less than 72 hours, this game is really incredible.

I’m looking forward to the after jam version.


well the plans is of it being a full paid game i think, me and my BF have decided that for a few weeks i will work on jam games and for the next month we will be fleshing it out and making it into a full commensal release at least that's the plan. (was doing it with my other game "StaryNight" but got super burnt out so i decided to make this.).