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I was able to play a good part of the demo (reading Perendi's comment I guess it was lucky that I gave my creme caramel to the human guy in the cafe! XD). I really like the game so far! Jen is really cute! I love her personality. I was so surprised when she took off 'her disguise'! haha 
The story gave a complete turn after that and the game just got so goooooddd! I loved walking through the side street and seeing all the monsters.. some were really cute! :D

Then in Wisteria's shop.. it looked really bad at first.. ohhh myyy godddd... spiders! T_T So many.. it took me a while to gain courage to clean them up to be honest... XD But got it done and everything looks so much better now! ^^ I really love playing this game. I'll definitely be here on the 20th to see what surprises await me in the new update to the game! Good luck on the contest in the meanwhile!

PS: Btw. I got a question- I stopped playing after I cleaned up most of the Wisteria's shop.  I only had the tables to fix and the clock (and well the coffee maker too). Every time I tried to leave the house it would say I had to 'disarm the box' first. How do I do that? I wasn't sure if this was the end of the demo or if I missed something. lol

Thanks for leaving such a nice comment, Kyattchan! (And I'm so glad you didn't get the curse of the creme caramel.)

The box disarm text is another big mistake I didn't notice until after the IGMC game jam entry deadline was up. It should have disappeared (or in this version it should have shown another demo note) after you check the clock. In the next release, you'll be able to leave freely once Jen changes clothes.