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thank you, i did as you said, is it working now?

It is! Fun little short game. Would have been nice to have some indication about the health of the player/troops. Also, sometimes it felt like the troops' shots aren't doing anything to the zombies. And I think zombie deaths could be made to feel more impactful, as it is it kind of just changes into a death animation and that's it. Maybe I would add some blood particles or something else that would make the zombie death stand out more.

I liked the corridor-shooter idea and that you can give orders to troops.

Thank you for your feedback =) I´m really happy you had fun! I was planning on adding impact, but then bugs got in the way, and i spent the hole time trying to fix them (with more or less success, but at least it´s playable). For health, I am also planning on adding a "wounded" walking animation, since i felt an UI gets in the way of the atmosphere/feeling i´m trying to communicate to the player. I didn´t find any wounded animation on mixamo, so I guess i have to make them myself, and since that´s really time consuming, i opted to do that in the future.  PS: thanks for telling me that the game how i uploaded it was not working, and also thanks for telling me how to make it work. =)