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The mech is so cute! Wish the enviroment was darker so the light effect was more apparent as it's such a great mechanic, it didn't seem to be fully used - as the room is already bright enough to see everything. The effect of the people running in the light and the shadows they cast was great, also the minimap was a welcome helpful touch. Would be into in having another go with a controller. Like the music after tutorial ended and the beat kicked in. The piano part was super short and wayed a bit heavy (seemed very sad and down tempo for a capture scene!) (maybe would work as music from the viewpoint of the prisoner or apart of a cutscene intro to set the mood). I feel evil as I mostly wanted to squish them rather than beam them up! Those big heavy feet, good timing of sound effects and motion gave a good heavy mech feel. A camera spin would be nice (maybe a 90 degree lock to see the battle field at different angles... hard to see some of them hiding behind the blocks). Nice choice of typography too :)