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This game looks fun, but I got stuck at this screen. Did I put my solar panels in the wrong spot? (they are right under the "t" in the word "structure") I clicked everywhere to deposit my bees but they wouldn't stick anywhere. I wasn't sure what "within the power structure" meant.

The soundtrack is very groovy. I really like the time and attention that went into the interface, the text, and the pixel art.


Thanks for the post!  Power towers like the solar panel have a area of effect zone around it, think of this zone as your grid that provides electricity for things to run.  Solar towers have a small zone where things like the windmills have a much larger zone.  Towers like the bees require the power from towers like the solar panel.  So  "within the power structure" just means the bees need to be placed within the range of the solar panel to be able to work. Also we highly recommend playing in full screen mode for the most immersive experience!

 I hope this helps, thanks so much for the feedback and for playing our game! :) And remember, "Weknewablesall of this today, for a better tomorrow." 


There is currently a bug right now where you can't place towers / interact with the ground while the mouse is on top of the UI. Use the mouse to pan around by clicking and dragging, or place the towers outside of the UI area.
Thanks for playing!

Thanks I will try it again this evening.