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rosko vair

A member registered Feb 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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I’m not sure what the issue is but I had a hard time getting the “OK!” button to activate, and then make it to the start of the level. Maybe it’s just me. But once I got playing the game, I really enjoyed it! I like the simple gameplay technique but the challenge lies in planning your moves quickly and efficiently, and I enjoyed how the different tactics you can choose at the beginning determine your gameplay.

This game was really fun! I really liked the art style a lot, and I liked how it scored you on the highest height that you achieve, not where you end the game. The controls were a little challenging with both character movement and grappling being controlled by the left hand since only Left Shift allowed grappling (and not Right Shift). I don’t have that much finger/hand flexibility, I guess. But I had a great time playing and bouncing up the level.

Thanks! Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get it to work. I am using a Mac; I’m not sure if that’s the problem. It responds to my clicking, but it doesn’t seem to actually select the item. Like, when I click the button, it highlights the item, but when I release the click, the item is no longer selected. No matter whether I’m holding space or not, I don’t seem to be able to interact with the white circles. Sorry, but the game looks great and interesting how many options there are for building.

I tried playing this game in a couple different browsers and it would only load in Chrome. But when it loaded, it was having really bad freezing issues and I had to force-quit Chrome. I cleared my cache and tried again but same problem. I’m on a Mac so maybe it’s not optimized for that or something, but I normally don’t have that type of problem, just wanted to give that feedback. I didn’t rate since I didn’t play, but it looks cool!

What a nice game! I really enjoyed the artwork and the music! I struggled a bit with the controls. The only way to attack at an angle is if you were also moving in that direction, which puts you in harm’s way with a slow-to-recharge attack. So I felt limited to only attacking left or right. Other than that, I really enjoyed the upgrade system–that made the game really interesting! Great work.

Oh nice, I made the second tree into a peacock! haha Really fun idea.

Nice game and great soundtrack!! Rock on!! 🤘🤘🤘

Wooooo, topped 100K!! This was fun. The little “drop” cue was helpful. I liked the graphics… Also, this is the longest bridge in the world hahaha. Great job!

I really like the graphics in this game! You did a really nice job using the palette and also making a big impact with subtle details.

Omg you all did a great job on this one. It’s so funny and adorable. It stressed me out at first because I couldn’t pause it, but as the game progressed, other aspects stressed me out instead lol. The art is really nice and the gameplay was well executed, and the music was cute and on-point! I really like what you did with the palette by emphasizing the yellow and red hues. Great job everybody

Nice! I like how things get progressively more challenging.

This was a great game, love the animations and the visuals. The controls are a little hard for me (not my usual game style, my reflexes suck lol), but I felt like I had good control over my character. Really liked the art style and animations, and the sound was really nice, too. Love a good 8-bit ditty. Great work!

Unfortunately I can’t figure out how to play this. I hold the space bar down, click, drag, etc., but can never place my first piece. Any advice?

This was nice!! There are a lot of options for customizing this beautiful plant, and the controls are very smooth and intuitive. The music was cool, very chill, and I liked the way the camera moved around.

Wow, this game is so nice! I like the physics and the nuance of the controllability. The red bird is so lovely, too. For such simple graphics it’s really evocative, especially the little art asset after each level. Those gravity vortices are no joke! Really enjoyed playing this.

This is such a cozy scene, love the expressive faces and the representation! Nice job!

Nice job, The difficulty seemed a little intense unless you figured out how to game the system. Still I couldn’t beat the first boss, but had fun trying! I really liked all the details you included like the score count, and the pixel art is great.

This game was fun, simple and intuitive! My best time was only 27. I like how you made the watermelon visible before they became active. I really liked the palette usage–that blue-green color should not be that good for watermelon but it really pulls it off! Nice work

🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘 rock out with your wands out!!!

Is this playable on Mac?

This is a really nice final product! I love the character art as well as the use of the palette, and the storytelling is light and feels complete. It made me laugh quite a few times, really enjoyed interviewing the Hydra, was not expecting that to happen. Fun animations, I got a 685 (not sure if that’s good)!

Ohhh I love this! The ice cream hair is so inspired, and a lot of little details that make this fun to examine and pique my curiosity about the Trick Trip trilogy!

Hello! I am in the US, so not in a European timezone, but I love composing music, and I used to play piano in a couple jazz combos. This sounds like a fun project and I don’t think the timezone would be an issue since composers mostly work with the group asynchronously. Je parle un peu de francais aussi. I’m @rosko.vair on Discord if you’d like to chat.

This was great. I loved all the little details, like the rat king. Also, not gonna lie, when the “make me laugh” theme was announced, the first thing I thought was “fart sounds.” Kudos to you! :D

Так, це нагадує мені проект, над яким я працював раніше. Я можу поділитися через Discord, якщо хочеш @rosko.vair

привіт! приємно зустрітися з вами тут. Я люблю писати музику для візуальних романів. Ось кілька прикладів, над якими я працював раніше:



Ви можете надіслати мені повідомлення на Discord: @rosko.vair Я сподіваюся приєднатися до чудового проекту! здоров’я!

I didn’t really this was only for TTRPGs, although I have actually composed a soundtrack for my D&D group before!

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This is rad. I’d love to work on a project for this jam. I have worked in a lot of styles, check it out:

I am rosko.vair on Discord, feel free to DM me

I thought I was hot stuff cuz I got a score of 2900, nice! And thank you, we had fun making this game!!

Fun little game. For some reason I couldn’t go past level 1. The enemies just stopped coming. I’m on a Mac, so that could be the issue.

haha I got lucky and had two sets of 3 that each repeated.

This is adorable, and the rotating buttons were an extra challenge. I like the background. I got to level 16! Thanks for sharing this fun game and for making a web build!

Thank you so much! I’m glad you liked it. Feel free to connect with me on YouTube–I post most of my work there.

I think it’s really cool! I love how you did so much with just 3 colors and simple lines and fills.

Love the colors and shadows. This is cool!

Thank you, kind person! I will do that.

Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it!

Hi, thanks for your message and I’m glad you like the music. I’m not familiar with AO3, and I don’t know what it means to “use” something on AO3. It’s okay to use this in a project and publish your project wherever you want, and I appreciate being given credit, but I’m not interested in distributing the music itself outside of or having others distribute it to any other websites on my behalf.

Your friend can message me on discord rosko#3445 if they want to talk about it. Thanks for listening and for asking!

This was a fun game! It took me 4 tries but I finally won (by one electoral vote). The gameplay is really smooth, and there are nice elements of humor and strategy in this game.

(1 edit)

I had really hoped to play this game when I saw it on the twitch stream. Unfortunately I only have a Mac. Please let me know if you end up making either a web build or a Mac build! Cheers!