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Dziękujemy!! 💜💜 Marte's responsible for the colours, and I agree! And Ponyo is great 😻 We'd been playing Wind Waker, so it was on our minds too. Actually wondered near the deadline if people would follow the gulls and whether it would've been cool to make them actually gravitate towards treasure but they don't actually haha. But everything spawns on a grid and then gets offset a bit, so they probably often end up near it anyway!


Interesting about the item spawning. In the end, even though you didn't program it as such, the wildlife had that effect on me 🐋  I suppose it's just that my curiosity with them caused me to do more than endlessly travel straight! ...also confirmation bias 😅 Also I think just good subtle design on your/Marte's part!


They do give you something to do / look at! c: