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(1 edit)

Black Dawn 7 does not run on my FS-UAE, and on my WIN-UAE it runs as attached. Then the game just runs in crashed mode. All other Black Dawns in this collection runs perfectly.

Also I don't know how to get Black Dawn 9 to run.

Help please.

Also I Can't get Parasite 2 to run on either FS-UAE or WIN-UAE, and don't know what to do with the 1st Parasite .dms file. Would appreciate instructions greatly. 

Nevermind. Everything including Parasites work now with Amiga Forever. Just don't know what to do with Black Dawn 9?

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I think it's missing some files, as its size is less than 1/10 of the other games' sizes and none of the unpacked files are playable on Retroarch's PUAE (which I know for a fact that work with me).

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If anyone's interested, “Parasite (F119).DMS” needs to be unpacked with a tool such as xdms (Linux), The Unarchiver (Mac) or WinFellow (Windows).

I didn't test the Mac and Windows tools yet, but on Linux, I tested and it works.

Here's the steps to use it on Linux:

First, if your distro has the tool in its repositories, you can use a command such as:

$ sudo apt install xdms

Then open the terminal window and navigate to the folder with the file ( $ cd path/to/file's/location ) and, if you didn't change the file's name, type the following command:

$ xdms u "Parasite (F119).DMS"

This should output an .adf file which can be used in the emulator of your choice.