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The minimalist style and pretty fluid animations work quite well, but you kneecapped your own visuals by having no hit feedback what-so-ever (bullet impact splash, sfx, flashing, shaking, even simple expanding/fading out circle explosions on death would make a huge difference). This, combined with the rather high enemy health pools make shooting unsatisfying. The other issue is that while the 10 sec theme is represented, the guns feel too homogenous and don't change how I approach enemies. So IMO the game would benefit greatly from higher enemy counts, lower enemy health pools, better feedback and guns that have slightly different utility.

Yeah, all those things were initially on my agenda and I'm a bit bummed that I wasn't able to work on those in the end. We started as 2 programmers, so we planned big and split tasks, but rather quickly I had to work alone, so lots of things had to be cut, pretty much all the things you mentioned and more. 100% with you, thanks for your feedback!