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I absolutely love your artstyle! It really suits the type of game you made well, good job! Personally, I found it a bit weird to have to set your own controls without knowing how the game plays at first, but once I was past that it was a good addition. The gameplay is a bit simple and it feels like getting hit is not really a consequence, so it gets a bit stale after a few minutes, but other than that I really liked it :)

Aw shucks, that's nice to hear I was a bit worried about my art in particular going into it. Anyway, the goal is to hit that 600 coin threshold to get the "good ending" which turns that lax punishment for getting hit into something quite devastating. Though I imagine it's neither clear nor particularly motivating for most players


Oh, I see! I wasn't really far off then, I think I had something like 550 or something. Going to play it again with that in mind now :D