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Thanks for the feedback. Useful to know. If you could find out if they have any points of reference for art that would be considered more attractive for mood, let us know :)


After playing Grow Home, Astroneer, Kingdoms and Castles and Stonehearth I really don't mind these visuals... Mindcraft looks worse yet everybody seems to play and like it.... ;-) (Not bashing this game, just for reference) Perhaps some different color shades in the future? Something that sticks out a bit?  . I do admit when I saw this game for the first time on a Let's Play I didn't click at all with it... Now it's all I seem to watch and play... So perhaps I started to disagree with the writer of this post, now I might agree... But this does grow on you.  Perhaps with enough exposure everybody will like it more. Good luck and see you in 2018 guys! Greets from Holland