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(1 edit)

I only think I would need one thing from this list the most and two not from this list.

From the list: Loading and saving your game.

Not from the list: Multiple playing characters like Maniac Mansion. Also, integration with Character Creator 2D on the asset store. 

EDIT: Scratch that. Seems that multiple playable characters is possible. Just saw the function in the manual. I was looking under character rather than Engine. But engine makes more sense. 

Cool, glad you found where to set  the player character. 

You should be able to use characters you've made with Character Creator 2d. Depends what level of integration you're after. You can definitely import the pngs that Character Creator exports, and then create your anims from those, (same as you would if you imported them from another art program). I'm not sure how they set up their prefabs/animations but it might be possible to get their exported animations working too.