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It's a bit hard to figure out what's going on at first, but after it clicks it's very clever premise. You could expand on that, working on UX first after the jam.

I'd add the description from github to the game page and also say that it's "deckbuilder autobattler" - I was spamming every button on my keyboard and clicking everything during the battle, because I didn't know what was going on :)

After buying 8th queue slot and having 8 cards in deck, I think I broke the game (it froze mid-battle, but then, about minute later, it unfroze and I won the battle)

After that I was afraid to upgrade queue, bought 1 extra card, and managed to win :)

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Whoops, looks like I forgot to check for >7 cards in the queue.

I've also updated the Itch game page; didn't realize I could do that after Jam concluded.

Thanks for taking the time to play and share your feedback!