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(1 edit)

Hi EroAxe, that maze was huge. Wish I had a map. I liked the visibility gauge. Wish I could turn up my mouse sensitivity on it. I liked that some of the lights turned on and off, it added more difficulty. I also really liked the tutorial, it was set up very well with the timing of the enemy. Good job.

That's awesome that you enjoyed the visibility bar, I ended up throwing it in faster than I would've liked but I also knew there needed to be a visual indicator for how light you were.  Especially considering I was having issues with it myself.  As for the lights popping in and out it was actually a somewhat unintended side effect of hiding them when they are too far from the player to try and help performance but ended up being a nice "lighting" effect.  

Especially considering they were supposed to torches lol.  As for the tutorial it's good to know it was helpful, though the enemy timing I can't take credit for, he's set on the same patrol system as every other enemy and just sometimes shows up right as you walk out there.  But it was definitely intended uh huh.