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Hey there! Secret Santa review incoming:

I'm actually glad I got the chance to play your game. I enjoyed how much different it was from the other games (no turn based combat)! The combat was definitely super unique.

That being said, here are a few points I'd like to make:

  • Disabled dash in place of a "speed" buff: I'm not too keen on this. It makes moving through your maps begrudgingly slow. I think having a dash option--especially with a sort of action-based combat, is much more handy and will make the game play smoother.
  • I liked the save points. I actually might take some tips from you on this--I enjoyed that it opens up the save screen for the player and that it's clearly presented.
  • Pixel movement was very cool, but it actually works against you here. I noticed it's actually more difficult to line yourself up with enemies and hit them, and I think the pixel movement is responsible for hits not registering on the enemies (I found sometimes I would hit an enemy, and it would take no damage!) If you really enjoy pixel movement, I suggest offering some sort of "strafe" option so it's easier to line up attacks.
  • The shop view change was a nice little detail. I think people take for granted how awkward a small shop looks on a big map, so this was refreshing to see.
  • Enemy quantities/Balance/Rescuing Souls: Enemy quantities are insane, I found myself getting trapped by droves of enemies which was really frustrating. I think you should reduce the amount of them, and more enemies should drop crystals. Rescuing souls, conversely, seemed to have no real incentive. I found myself getting 1 or 2 crystals for rescuing them, and was surprised that there was no HP recovery. I'd definitely make it more worthwhile for the user to rescue them, since it seems to be a primary mechanic in the game.
  • A status menu to explain buffs, current effects, etc. would do wonders.
  • Cracks in the wall: Make them treasure! So much potential here. Let me break em down for cash and crystals!

Overall I think with a bit of tweaking it has potential. I'd put a little bit of time into making the maps and the combat handle a little more smoothly. I look forward to seeing where it goes from here :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you very much for the review.  I'm glad that you mostly enjoyed my game. To address a few of your points:

I felt that an "anytime you want" dash option made combat too easy unless I made the monsters faster as well which made combat way too hectic. I know that disabling dash is a big no-no to many but the game just played better without it, in my opinion. Maybe a temporary dash with a stamina bar would be a good addition. I do wish RPG Maker gave us more control over the speed of characters and events. 

The pixel movement does indeed make lining up your shot a little more challenging. I did my best to compensate for that. Later on, you can get a weapon upgrade that makes it super easy to hit everything as its hit radius is much wider.

Rescuing souls is your primary source of money in the game. In the first area, yeah you only get 2 per rescued soul and 1 if an enemy drops a crystal. These numbers double each time you advance to a new area so if you want to acquire the cash for all of the weapon and armor upgrades, you'll want to do this. If not then you can charge straight through but you'll have a harder time. 

I know that the natural inclination for most RPG Maker games is to stick your hands in every crack and crevice in hopes of getting hidden loot. That it how many game utilize these cave features. The reason you see so many of these in Eremiel is because they are spawn point indicators. You generally want to keep a relatively safe distance from these as a monster could pop out of one at any time (unless you're standing right on it, I'm not that mean). 

I likely won't do too much more to this title besides polish up a few things that I didn't get a chance to before the deadline. The scope of this game was set to 1 hour. The story, game play and level design was all crafted around this desired play time. I may use the knowledge that I acquired from this project to design a different, much larger game in the future, though. 

Again, thank you for playing and for all of your valuable input. I believe that I have your game downloaded and will give it a shot as soon as I am able. 


I think the dash bar is an excellent idea! And it's too bad you won't really be continuing it, but if you push an update I'll be glad to check it out, and of course anything else you may come out with! :)


If I had designed a larger story and world around this game, I definitely would. But by the time I refactored everything to make it larger, I'd be pretty much starting at about the same point as I would be if I just made a whole new game with the same or similar base mechanics. I did enjoy working on this title so I wouldn't be surprised if I take another stab at this sort of action based game. 

In case you are still interested, I have an updated version of Eremiel in the forums.  The dash bar is implemented and it I think it improves the game play a lot.  Thank you for the idea, or at least for your input that inspired that idea.  I'm still clinging on to the pixel movement but I think/hope that the new dashing mechanic mitigates some of the issues.  Hit detection is still an issue that I haven't resolved yet but that burst of speed when you need it usually lets you get away from danger and mop up the enemies before they get back over to you.  I think I toned down the enemy spawns a bit too.  I listed most of the improvements on the forum page if you're interested.  Either way, thanks again for playing my game and I look forward to seeing how yours progresses.  I like what you've got so far!


Hey, this is super awesome to see! I will definitely check it out, I'm glad you're continuing the project!

Thanks! I feel like it's in a good state but I know that there's more I can do to make it better. I'll keep a look out for your update.