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Actually you do get more skills as you level up. The thing with the heroine is that I wanted to keep those skills trees of the other party members usable even after they leave. Making her customizable and versatile in the procress. I know it got a little messy, though (the ace version of yanfly skill learning was a lot cooler for this since it allowed you to select from what skillset you wanted to buy skills from). I should probably look into other skill learning scripts or find a different way to make her customizable.

Sorry about the item shop being in the first slot, that was something I forgot to investigate how to fix, I know it's annoying. I think I do know how to use labels, though I have only used them once, thanks for the offer.

I tried to make each skill bring something unique to the table (for example you have two thunder spells, a slow powerful one and a quick weaker one to suit to your playstyle), I do agree  that most skills were only useful very ocassionally since regular battles didn't require much strategy. (thoguh they could potentially be more useful in dungeon 2 where enemies are tougher). The triple damage skills, I  stand behind, though, I think they give kazuko a specialized DPS flavor of her own, where you have to weight which enemies give you more trouble so you can chose the best skill to learn (if you've learned them you'll know they're DEADLY). While adette, specializes in crowd control and tanking and the heroine can be whatever you want. 

I immensely appreciate your detailed and through feedback. Thanks a lot for taking time to write this and I'll definitely think about how to improve the game based on it. I'll even think about the racial skills... Maybe they could be a passive?

You rock man!


If you're using Yanfly's Main Meny Manager you can insert the common event below items in the plugin commands. :)

Yeah figured out how to fix it, thanks! :)