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Oh god. What can I say? Certains of your maps are great. But, the intro, how you met others characters, and mostly all of the dialogues are none sens. I don't understand what going on, or where to go. I just randomly went in somes part of the big main map and did'nt really knew where  I was suppose to be. I think if it was a little bit more well made, it could have potential.

Thank you for your thoughts. 1, this is my first game and I made it in only 3 days. I'm new to this thing and I had to focus on my school.

"Certains of your maps are great."   What can I say! You need to take some time and spell correctly. If English is not your first language, than I understand why the dialogues may make no sense (not sens). I made this game for fun, and am not expecting to win anything. its just some random thing I made, because I did not want to do homework.


That explain a lot!