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Hey, I’m sorry you didn’t like the design! The early part of the game is there to get you confident with the core mechanics. Each level had something different that I wanted to show, even if you maybe didn’t notice it. And there are some tricks that I probably should’ve taught to help with the projectile part. Were you using the letters to block projectiles? I’d hoped the player would learn this from previous levels, but perhaps not. Whilst the difficulty might not appeal to everyone, I hope you had some moments of fun!

(1 edit)

To be clear, I liked the design in general, and I did notice the elements you were progressively working up. I was indeed using the letters,  I just hit a big stumbling point in one spot. I think a simple fix would have been to not start the player from all the way back at the beginning of the level when they fail, but maybe just rewind a little bit back. I'm pretty sure that alone would have resolved the problem for me.

I really did like it in general.