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(8 edits) (+1)

Overall this submission excels highly in nearly all categories. It is obvious that a lot of work went into it as visually it is impressive and the amount of content actually had me feeling like i was playing a released game at one point. The story/sound/cinematics were all good. The only improvement i can suggest is the gameplay that I felt was lacking (only jump and shoot), but the level design/AI made up for this somewhat and i loved the comedic aspects of it.

Final remarks: I believe you deserve to win due to the visual artstyle/aesthetics and amount of content. Goodluck!

Hi IndieCrusader,

Thank you so much for your feedback we really appreciate how much you enjoyed our game!

I'm afraid we ran out of time a bit and weren't able to polish out the bugs or flesh out the game play, rest assured we will take your feedback to heart and work harder in the future.

Thanks again for your lovely feedback :)