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Really great game! Feel like it had a lot of thought put into the lore/story. 
Another thing that roped me in was the art, even though the tiles were repeated which caused a couple of backtracking problems, I really liked the little touches (e.g. The little movement in the hair of the characters when they cast stuff, the way stuff get lit up by fire/ get filled with water, love little things like that). 
Really liked the upgrades too, especially the solar dash, but I stopped using it after awhile because I realized that I usually get hit right after I finish the invulnerability frames., would have been nice to have just half a second more of invulnerability to move out of the way.
Have to admit that the character controls were a bit clunky though, as the "slipperiness" was a bit hard to control, have to agree with SavestateCorrupted with switching with a set speed too. 
Crazy amount of assets/ work done in one month though, so spectacular job by the team! Thanks for making this and will hope to get to play the ending some day!

Thanks for trying our game! And I am glad you like the little touches with the animations, I sometimes go overboard and get looks from my other half who has to implement them. lol 

yeah I feel bad about the backtracking that everyone is having issues with.  Besides the rooms looking a little too similar, we didn't make it obvious enough that you can move the Oldman from the beginning room to the courtyard after his younger self unlocks the door in the past.  Which I think would have reduce the backtracking a bit. 

As usual, I won't comment on the movement. But it's obviously something a lot of the players feel can be tweaked, so I'm sure the team would look to improve it if we do further work on this project!

Thanks for playing!  Yea, we spent WAY too much time on the lore and what made it into v1.0 was barely scratching the surface.  We had to narrow our scope quite a bit so I'm really happy that you could sense the bigger story that we weren't able to delve into much.

A common feedback was that it was easy to get lost. I thought that the various zones were distinct enough but it's clear that I think we need more landmarks and, as you said, tile variety to ensure folks don't get too lost.  We also are considering adding a mini-map which I think could help as well.

The solar dash is a controversial power-up since most people have said it's OP due to not having enough downsides, so your comment about it feeling too risky to use is very interesting.  We originally had an MP system planned but scrapped it due to time and just played around with the casting delay to try to make it useful in countering Flyer dashes and the Boss dash/bolts, but we didn't spend any time on the post-dash, so thanks for that comment.

Agree on the controls. We did spend a lot of time dialing things in  but many people had the same comment to reduce slipperiness and make the jump not momentum dependent (seemed like a fun idea at the time! :)). 

Thanks again for playing!