Thanks for All the great feedback, I agree with most of it, some points I wanted to make some comments on:
- The Jump: It’s on LB because you can’t press A if you want to jump while hovering with a block (both the Right Analog stick and A require your Thumb to be pressed).
- Levels should flow into next levels: Agreed! We don’t have the level flow, because we’re not set on the order of the levels yet.
- Please put the PDFs of DevLogs on if possible!: I’ve discussed this with you in the past and then you said it was fine I thought: “You're right about the build reviews ... maybe it's not so bad if you don't use the DevLog functionality "properly". See what you can do with linked files for now.”
- Level 0 till 9 are from last week so that why I didn’t specify them in this Devlog. 12 and 13 are the NEW playable levels this build.
Level 9
- "That platform is painfully slow to arrive. The use of the clutched object as a shelter is a nice touch, but might need a stronger introduction". True, this is the reason why we made the platform so slow, so that you’re “forced” to use the block to block the hazard blocks.
Level 10
- Polish state of the Level: This level was a work in progress I believe, so it indeed needs some polish.
Level 12
- Keep aesthetics in line: This is just how we block out levels, to make it easier to go from sketch to level while keeping the metrics in mind. So, it’s a bit of a work in progress.
- Pretty easy to figure out: good point, it was harder in the first iterations, might have to get back to that.