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Thanks for the feedback. I did not intend this bland presentation, but time was the biggest problem for this game.

When the jam period started I was in the middle of another jam working on Divini 2 (which I will refer to as D2).  I knew the scope of Elora’s Quest was small and didn’t think I needed much time, so I gave D2 all of my time until the end of that jam (which ended a few days into March). I have made a few boss rush games in mere days, so I figured about 2 weeks would be plenty of time to crank out a quality project. However, I did not anticipate a few roadblocks: Working on D2 left me drained, and I was planning on having Elora go through the game with no additional party members. My exhaustion lost me a couple days, and the fact that Elora could be a solo non-magical Warrior the whole game meant that I needed to get creative or a Warrior playthrough would be a boring fare of attack, double attack, etc.

I experimented with some unique battle mechanics but didn’t have enough time to fully develop them, so I ultimately determined that Elora would have to run into new party members during the course of the game. After figuring out how that all would work, I had about 2 days left in the jam. I worked furiously to get things prepared, but I didn’t have enough time to do more than put together an alpha version of the game.

For me, the moral of the story is: don’t do concurrent game jams unless you can use the same game for both of them! I’m also going to try to limit myself to fewer jams; I’ve been jamming constantly for several months and I really need to let myself recharge (plus I need to update these last couple of games like I keep promising). That said, I am looking forward to the next MGGJ!

Thanks again for playing my game and giving a review!


I wouldn't even try to do two jams at once. Honestly, with work and everything else I felt super swamped with just one limited scope jam game, and I was putting other stuff aside to work on it.

I think through that lens a lot of the issues make sense. I can see how things would get left by the wayside or done the fastest possible way with a looming deadline approaching. The battle system worked out well; despite the last-minute shift it didn't feel confused, it was balanced and satisfying. The other party members being thrown in last minute explains why they're so thin.